Your engagement and wedding rings are a permanent symbol of the love you share for each other, so it makes sense to care for them properly so they always sparkle just as much as the day you first wore them.

1. Insurance
Engagement and wedding rings are expensive items, so it goes without saying that you should seriously consider getting them insured. Or at the very least add them to your home contents insurance.
Insurance can never replace the actual item as we know from personal experience, but it can replace the value and give you the chance to buy something new that has a very special meaning to you.
2. Hands Off !
Avoid touching the centre stone. Your hands, no matter how clean they are, carry oil, dust and dirt which is attracted to your ring. When removing it hold it either side of the setting by the band. This helps the stone stay shiny rather than becoming cloudy.

3. Cleaning Your Rings
We would always recommend you have your rings professionally cleaned on a regular basis so they retain their sparkle. The best place is where you purchased your rings in the first place. But, if funds really do not allow for this then check out our blog post "How To Clean Your Engagement Ring"
4. Housework
When doing the housework it is highly advisable to remove your rings or at least wear gloves, as the chemicals used when cleaning can be abrasive and damaging to your precious jewellery. Make sure to wash your hands and dry them thoroughly after any household chores before putting your rings back on.

5. Ring Trees & Dishes
It never hurts to have these dotted around your home so that whenever you take off your rings you always have somewhere safe to put them and always know where to find them.

If you are struggling to choose your rings then why not check out our blog "Choosing Your Wedding Rings" or visit our Pinterest board for some great ideas and inspiration.